LATTE DA DAIRY GOATS...where DREAMS do come true !It started out as simply a dream... to produce delicious artisanal* goat cheeses, right here in Texas. In 2005 we were able to purchase 5+ acres and not too many months later we were blessed with our first two 'girls', Rosemary and Serenity. These two purebred Nubian does, the foundation of our herd, quickly stole our hearts and became the 'gran dams' of what was to become Latte Da Dairy and now Latte Da Dairy Goats.
??? TOURS ???
Sorry, we no longer offers tours of our farm and dairy. What is ADGA PLUS ?
Joining ADGA Plus shows our commitment towards performance and providing data for the ADGA registry database for improvement of the dairy goats we love so much. This involves participating in all ADGA performance programs and in DNA testing to insure pedigree integrity. Your herd can also be a part of ADGA Plus just like ours, inquire with the ADGA Performance Programs Manager. (click here for more information) What is ADGA Herd of Distinction ? This award was given in 2021 to herds that have demonstrated a level of distinction above all others over time by utilizing ADGA programs such as DHI Production, Linear Appraisal and Shows. (click here for more information) |
We are so VERY PROUD of our goats for so MANY reasons. Since we started we have been striving to SHOW others how wonderful our goats are. We participate in numerous American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) programs that highlight and enhance the intrinsic value of our 'girls' and their offspring. Many of our ‘girls’ are quite accomplished in the show ring as well as in the milk parlor. This ensures that there is a place for them and their offspring in either our herd or in the herds of other like-minded goat lovers !! through:
(this includes 13 recent Champions that are PENDING! as of Jan 2025)
We are so VERY PROUD of our goats for so MANY reasons. Since we started we have been striving to SHOW others how wonderful our goats are. We participate in numerous American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) programs that highlight and enhance the intrinsic value of our 'girls' and their offspring. Many of our ‘girls’ are quite accomplished in the show ring as well as in the milk parlor. This ensures that there is a place for them and their offspring in either our herd or in the herds of other like-minded goat lovers !! through:
- continuous participation on DHI (Dairy Herd Improvement) milk testing program
- annual participate in the ADGA Linear Appraisal program that helps gather information about the quality of animals we produce
- showing our goats to Championships. We love looking at our milk line and seeing beautiful championship udders lined up side by side !
- All of these programs come together to complete a picture of quality breeding and genetics...below is a tally of how we have done so far:
- GCHs (Permanent GRAND CHAMPIONS) - 25
- CHs (Permanent CHAMPIONS) - 4
(this includes 13 recent Champions that are PENDING! as of Jan 2025)

CH Turkman's Hanim
We knew right from the start that we wanted to produce a superior product in a sustainable fashion. After 15 years, despite no longer making cheese commercially, we still hold the following values:
CAE (Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis)
CL (Caseous Lymphadenitis)
G6S (Mucopolysaccharidosis IIID/ G-6-Sulfase deficiency)
Genetic Scrapie Resistance in Goats
We truly treasure and love our goats. The ‘girls’ & 'boys' are certainly some of God’s most wonderful creations. Not only do they produce amazing milk; they enrich our lives in so many other ways. You can see more about each of the ‘girls’ on our "DAIRY DIVAS" pages !
Finally, you can't have goats without effective protection. Hanim (meaning "Lady" in Turkish), a Kangal livestock protection dog (LPD), was our very first guardian and she did an admirable job protecting the 'girls' well into her old age. The 'girls' would stick close to Hanim and she clearly loved her 'girls' as much as we do! Since then we've added other guardians. Stevie is an Akbash (another turkish breed) and was "trained" under Hanim's watchful eye. Stevie now has an "apprentice" in Bella (Kangal:Akbash cross). Phaedra (Stevie's mother) is wonderful with our young dry does. Chuck is a Great Pyrenees rescue and did done a great job into his old age (guessing 14+ years). We added Ester an Akbash who is great with the bucks but not very social with people...we are gradually winning her over with treats, patience and love. And now we also have her daughter Possum learning her back up role under her mom.
Click on Hanim's picture to see more pictures of our current dogs, and learn more about this interesting and age-old partnership between man, dog and goat !
- The health and happiness of our ‘girls’ are central.
- As responsible stewards we employ ‘near-organic’ practices, using organic and natural alternatives for all aspects of our land and our animals whenever possible. This ensures the long-term viability of our land and our goats. Subsequently, the milk we produced is pure and unadulterated.
- Our herd is composed of registered purebred Nubian and Lamancha dairy goats. Not only do these breeds make the BEST milk for rich and delicious cheeses, they are well-adapted for the Texas climate and have amazing and delightful personalities.
- We treasure and love our goats. The ‘girls’ & 'boys' are certainly some of God’s most wonderful creations. Not only do they produce amazing milk; they enrich our lives in so many other ways. You can see more about each of them on our "DAIRY DIVAS" and "DA BOYS" pages !
- For a little history on these beautiful breeds click here for Nubian, and here for Lamancha.
- Our herd is CAE and CL free. Our herd is tested annually for CAE. We run a “closed” herd, as best as is possible, to prevent the possible introduction of infections. ALL of our babies bottle raised on milk from our does AND using strict CAE prevention practices (milk is heat treated and/or pasteurized).
- Here is a copy of our most recent CAE test results... click here
- Are you interested in owning dairy goats ?...please before you buy, learn more about CAE and CL (links below) and why prevention is so important. When you do buy, request proof of negative status!
- Additonally, G6S is a recessive genetic mutation which affects mainly the nubian breed. If interested in nubians it is worthwhile to educate yourself about this disease and look for G6S NORMAL animals.
- We know the status of all of our Nubians, and indeed have 1 carrier doe that has worked hard for us and we choose to work with because of she is healthy and in all other ways is a normal healthy milk goat. We believe in testing, knowing genetic status and being transparent, as that is the only way to educate people AND perhaps eventually eliminate the defect. We will ONLY sell NORMAL animals. Carrier bucks will be wethered & carrier does will stay at Latte Da.
- In recent years we have begun to test of animals for GENETIC RESISTANCE to Scrapies disease (same disease as "Mad Cow"); We have found several of our Lamanchas (all descended from Bonnie) carry the Resistance Allele known as "S". We hope to produce some animals (in particular bucks) that carry a "double S" meaning that every offspring they produce will carry the resistance allele. In 2023 we added additional genetics that carried the "S" alleles.
CAE (Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis)
CL (Caseous Lymphadenitis)
G6S (Mucopolysaccharidosis IIID/ G-6-Sulfase deficiency)
Genetic Scrapie Resistance in Goats
We truly treasure and love our goats. The ‘girls’ & 'boys' are certainly some of God’s most wonderful creations. Not only do they produce amazing milk; they enrich our lives in so many other ways. You can see more about each of the ‘girls’ on our "DAIRY DIVAS" pages !
Finally, you can't have goats without effective protection. Hanim (meaning "Lady" in Turkish), a Kangal livestock protection dog (LPD), was our very first guardian and she did an admirable job protecting the 'girls' well into her old age. The 'girls' would stick close to Hanim and she clearly loved her 'girls' as much as we do! Since then we've added other guardians. Stevie is an Akbash (another turkish breed) and was "trained" under Hanim's watchful eye. Stevie now has an "apprentice" in Bella (Kangal:Akbash cross). Phaedra (Stevie's mother) is wonderful with our young dry does. Chuck is a Great Pyrenees rescue and did done a great job into his old age (guessing 14+ years). We added Ester an Akbash who is great with the bucks but not very social with people...we are gradually winning her over with treats, patience and love. And now we also have her daughter Possum learning her back up role under her mom.
Click on Hanim's picture to see more pictures of our current dogs, and learn more about this interesting and age-old partnership between man, dog and goat !