Semen Sale Policy
We have limited quantities of semen on each of our bucks. We do price it reasonably as it is our hope that the purchaser will USE it and get good results which will improve their herd and also prove the merits of our bucks. Prices range from $15-$80 per straws. All of our nubian bucks are G6S normal.
CLICK on links below to see our current list of semen available, home-bred bucks as well as outside bucks, many nationally known.
List includes prices and number of straws available.
To arrange purchase, contact us at:
[email protected]
Here are some of our homebred bucks and their ADGA links:
Discounts may be offered on Latte Da bucks for those herds on DHI testing and/or that do Linear Appraisals.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in one of our bucks.
Shipping is the responsibility of the buyer but we will make every effort to facilitate delivery to area/regional shows, the ADGA National Show and the ADGA convention.
CLICK on links below to see our current list of semen available, home-bred bucks as well as outside bucks, many nationally known.
List includes prices and number of straws available.
To arrange purchase, contact us at:
[email protected]
Here are some of our homebred bucks and their ADGA links:
- SGCH Latte Da Lightning Chaser +*B (son of SG Jacobs Pride Cloud Chaser +*B (LA91 EEE))
- GCH Latte Da Take a Chance +*B (son of CH Lakeshore Farms HitTheJackpot *B (EX91))
- GCH Latte Da Royal Image *B (son of GCH Price-o-the-Field Royal Marcus +*B (LA93 EEE))
- Jacobs Pride ToyStory *B
- Latte Da SSM Diplomatic Status *B (son of SGCH Lakeshore-Farms Star Status +*B (LA91 EEE)), two legs towards his permanent CH
- Latte Da Lord Timothy Dexter +*B (son of SGCH Wingwood Farms TS Timothy +*B (LA88 VEE)), one leg toward his permanent CH
- Latte Da Somethin 2Talk About *B (son of SGCH Wingwood Farms TS Timothy +*B (LA88 VEE))
- Latte Da TH Its SO Easy *B (son of GCH Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator ++*B)
- Latte Da Lightning's Legacy *B (son of SGCH Latte Da Lightning Chaser +*B (LA89 VEE))
- Latte Da Chari's Supreme Honor *B (son of SGCH Latte Da PBM Charity 10*M (LA91EEEE) and 4B Dandy Supreme a Smooth Operator son)
- Latte Da 2Kool 4School *B (son of SGCH Latte Da PBM Charity 10*M (LA91EEEE))
- GCH (pending) Latte Da Hero onthe Hudson *B LA91 (son of GCH Latte Da Lace in the Clouds 1*M LA90)
- Latte Da PayDay *B (two legs toward permanent CH)
- GCH Latte Da Captain America +*B (son of CH Mint*Leaf American Idol (LA92 EEE))
- Latte Da Black Star +*B
- GCH Latte Da Cooper +*B (LA90 VEE)
- Latte Da TLX Falcon *B (son of SG Kastdemur's Tach Lach ++*B (LA88 VEE))
- Latte Da SSA Shy's Hutzpah *B (LA86 VV+)
- Latte Da QK Shy's King Kalmar *B (son of Quixote's Kate's Kareem)
- GCH (pending) Latte Da DV's American Leader *B (son of CH Mint*Leaf American Idol (LA92 EEE))
- Latte Da X-E Levi *B (son of Little Orchard Xavier, son of Twist of Fate & Pia)
Discounts may be offered on Latte Da bucks for those herds on DHI testing and/or that do Linear Appraisals.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in one of our bucks.
Shipping is the responsibility of the buyer but we will make every effort to facilitate delivery to area/regional shows, the ADGA National Show and the ADGA convention.