SGCH Latte Da PBM Charity 10*M LA91 EEEE
2 x BDIS 8 x BOB 5 x GCH 2 x RCH |
Linear History
(06-05) 91 EEEE (04-06) 90 VEEE (03-00) 86 +V+V (02-02) 87 +VVV |
We were thrilled to get twin doelings from our AI of Michelle with SG J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy. Charity and Celebrity are litter sisters. She placed 13th as a FF 2 year old at the 2014 ADGA Nationals show.
She easily finished her GCH in 2015 going Grand and BOB twice and reserve once. She was only shown a few times in 2016, going BDIS twice. Charity is a very dairy doe with wonderful texture and open ribbing. We are have had a number of daughters in our herd, all lovely solid milkers with gorgeous general appearance. We are still looking for that "combination" which gives us "get" or a daughter as good as she is. In 2018 She produced kids out of an Esther son Latte Da Double Smooth. The doeling, Latte Da Chari's Double Dare freshened in 2020 and appears to be a very promising young milkers. In 2019 she gave a handsome buckling, 2Kool, this may be the key with her, by going back to M*Sagebrush animals related to Smooth Operator side of her pedigree. 2022, as an 10 year old, she gave us a LOVELY doeling from an AI to SG My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman *B. Thank you Fauna Smith of Wingwood for sharing semen from this buck with us. |