GCH Latte Da K.O. Cir-El 3*M (Ellie)
1 x BDIS 1 x BOB 4 x Grand 4 x Reserve |
Linear History
(05-05) 88 EEEV (03-11) 88 VEVV (02-00) 79 AVA+ |
We were fortunate and grateful to Simple Truth Nubians to allow us to use Kastemur's Kal-El (son of Lassenwood Kalila) to breed with our Oprah. We like the long bone pattern and dairyness of this cross. Ellie has a beautiful udder and was Reserve Grand and Grand Champion at the January 2016 FW Stock Show, having been in milk since March of 2015 ...we are quite proud of this girl ! Despite milking thru in 2016, she finished her CH in 2016 in "Latte Da style"...including a BDIS win.