GCH Latte Da All That And Then Sum 3*M (Sumthin')
2 x BDIS 2 x Best Udder 4 x Grand |
Linear History
(06-07) 90 VEVE (05-01) 88 VEVE (04-03) 90 VEVE (03-02) 86 +++E (02-02) 80 AAFV |
Sumthin' was the only Lamancha doe born here in 2010 and she thinks she ruled the roost !! We have been so please with our other Xavier daughters that there was no question as to whether she would stay or not.
Her daughters on our herd...
Like her mother, she always does things in style ! She finished her championship at the Fort Worth Stock Show in 2015 with a BDIS and Best Udder win!. She went on the next day to do the same thing all over AGAIN ! We lost Sumthin in 2017 but her genetics run deep in our herd. |